Hope And Flat Tires

If yesterday’s ride had a signature sound, it would be pssst. That’s the air escaping from a punctured tube. Our team got a lot of practice changing tires on the road during our 68-mile Sunday ride from Fort Collins to Brighton. Not sure why. Sometimes that’s just the way it goes, but the delays couldn’t alter […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! The first day of the FREEDOM TOUR brings today’s word-of-the-week… CHILDREN Each day of the tour begins with someone sharing their word of the day. Day 1 was children. The tour’s about supporting the children at the HOME OF HOPE. We think of them each day as we ride. But Jesus also asked us to […]

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Roll The Credits

Each time a hit show begins, your see the credits and hear the theme music. Well, tonight we gather our team for the first official meeting of FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ’15. Months of planning, anticipation, and training have gone into this day. Many of you have been part of making it a reality, and […]

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A Call From A Hero

Becky and I received a phone call yesterday from David Grant. David is the founder of Project Rescue and, to me, is a hero in the fight against human trafficking. He travels all over the world, raises millions of dollars, and does incredible work. Yet he took time to call and tell us he was […]

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Through New Eyes

Last night we described the HOME OF HOPE to a brand new audience. As I listened to their questions I realized I almost take this incredible place for granted. I think about it, write about it, and talk about it so frequently that it’s become like part of the family. I say HOME OF HOPE […]

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Freedom Tour Prologue 2015

FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ’15 is underway. This year we tried something new, a one-day Community Prologue a week in advance of the actual tour. Riders chose between 30-mile and 58-mile routes. The weather was spectacular, and the day was a great success. The riders began in a big circle, symbolic of their participation in […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! I surprised someone in a conversation about today’s word-of-the-week… IMAGINATION A lady said religion stifles imagination. I agreed, which surprised her. “But,” I continued, “religion isn’t necessarily the same thing as following Jesus.” We had a cool, though brief, discussion about human-created religion with its often burdensome rules and constraints. She didn’t know anything else existed, so […]

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How To Control The Future

Mostly, you can’t. My first teaching evaluations were largely about classroom control. The theory, I suppose, went something like this: get the students under control, then you can teach them. So the questions weren’t about lesson plans, they were about How will you keep your classroom under control? No control, no teaching. Those evaluators would have been appalled by […]

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I’m Worried About Fear

Okay, the headline was meant to be ironic. I grabbed these words from a great article titled What To Be Afraid Of by Timothy Egan. I hope you’ll ask yourself how much you’re influenced by the culture of fear-mongering in which we’re embedded. Be prudent, of course. But don’t allow those with a vested interest in […]

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How To Write A Big Story

As a cyclist, I enjoy following le Tour de France each year. I don’t always understand all of the intricacies of strategy and tactics, but I appreciate the difficulty of riding more than one hundred miles per day for three weeks over some of the highest, steepest mountains in the world. (I borrowed these thoughts […]

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