Are You Real Or A Poser?

Ever hear the term “poser”? Occasionally you’ll see someone with a $10,000 bike, outfitted head-to-toe in the latest gear, with almost no wear-and tear on their equipment and little desire to climb even the smallest hill. They look the part, but apparently the fancy getup is all for show. They want to fit in, look the […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! A thought-provoking quote brings us today’s word-of-the-week… COMFORT “Comfort isn’t a solution.” Take a minute and think about that statement. It’s a truth that turns a lot of our instincts on their heads. We all know not to simply put a band-aid on even a small infected wound. First you clean and perhaps apply […]

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Who’s Allowed To Enter?

“Who’s your target audience?” It’s a common question as we talk to people about plans for FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR 2016. Of course we have some folks in mind, but as I think about this question a related issue comes to mind. Vision: Create a community in which people are empowered to trust God, work together as […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! Our small group brings us today’s word-of-the-week… REALLY? “Do you really believe that? Really?” In Acts 3, Peter tells a 40-year old man who’s been crippled since birth to walk in the name of Jesus. He takes the man’s hand and, just like that, the guy walks, leaps, and dances. Our small group discussed […]

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Extreme Makeover

We’ve been busy around here. Since bike riding season ramped down, we decided our website needed a makeover. It’s been more than five years, and we needed to knock down some walls, open things up, and improve the curb appeal. Maybe you noticed fewer blog posts, or a couple of incomplete posts. Working on my […]

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Why We Can’t Be Discouraged

The long arc of the moral universe bends toward justice. Hate will not rule the day. Violence won’t have the final word. That’s what we believe, and that’s why we can’t be discouraged. It’s hard, isn’t it? It’s hard when we’re surrounded by evidence suggesting we’re fools to actually believe and follow Jesus. Love your […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! Pope Francis’ visit to America inspired today’s word-of-the-week… TALK I’m challenged by Pope Francis’ efforts to walk his talk. He could easily withdraw into a protected bubble and issue pronouncements about humility, service, and accepting risk. Instead, he does all he can to integrate those values into his life, much to the consternation of […]

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Leader Of The Pack

I’m not impressed by fancy titles. I’ve been fortunate enough to be close to a few people with big-time titles to realize they’re just regular men and women, with the same issues, struggles, and brokenness as the rest of us. I’ve become skeptical of the notion of positional authority. “Chief Muckety-Muck, PhD” at the top […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! Recent experience has me re-visiting a previous word-of-the week… SIMPLE What Jesus asked of us is simple. I need to remember that today. Maybe you do too. He asked us to love with no strings. Sacrificially. Love God. Love others. Love ourselves. That’s it. Of course, it’s not easy. Or safe. Or cheap. But […]

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