
HAPPY MONDAY! Difficult current events prompt today’s word-of-the-week… RESPOND Of course we’re sad. Confused. Afraid. Angry. Hopeless. God’s not surprised by events that we find beyond comprehension. And He’s not offended by the range of emotions that rush over us. Jesus came, not so we would deny our feelings, but so we could face them, deal with […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! Our desire to tell a story prompts today’s word-of-the-week… GUILT We don’t want you to do this out of guilt. You hear it all the time. Here’s the cause. You understand the need. The scriptural mandate is clear. We hope you’ll respond. But we don’t want you to respond out of guilt. We’re beginning […]

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What I Assume About You…

doesn’t tell me much about you. I’ve bumped into the notion of assumptions a lot lately. Paul Merrill wrote about chairs. Dick Foth talked about categories. And whenever I encounter the same idea a bunch of times, I figure perhaps God’s trying to get my attention. What I assume about you tells me a little about […]

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Grace In Unlikely Places

We encounter grace in unexpected places. Four years ago this month I was cranking my bike on a 1500-mile journey along the Mississippi River. We found Grace at a Mississippi crossroads. It was an unlikely story, one worth re-telling. We spent last night in a hospital. It’s not what you think. Nobody’s sick or injured. […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! A bunch of cute kids who rang our doorbell last Saturday bring us today’s word-of-the-week… GREMLINS They were all over our neighborhood. We know they’re make-believe as we toss candy in their bags. The superheroes, princesses, goblins, and monsters are just the kids from down the street. It’s all in fun. Nobody’s afraid of […]

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In Search Of A Dark Bulb

Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. In most of our homes, you simply flip a switch and light fills a dark room. Pretty incredible, really. Let There Be Light! Now follow me in a thought experiment. Imagine it’s high noon on a bright, sunny day. Could someone invent a “dark bulb” so we could flip a […]

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God And Greasy Bike Parts

Can you talk about human trafficking among piles of greasy bike parts? Picture an enormous convention hall filled with vendors selling any cycling-related product you can imagine. Brand new, expensive, high-end bikes and used garage-sale wrecks. Endless varieties of clothing and accessories. Year-end clearance specials. Rows of specialized wheels, components, and other associated gear. If it had anything to […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! The early church brings us today’s word-or-the-week… REJOICING The apostles were called in front of the Sanhedrin and ordered to stop proclaiming the gospel. To reinforce the point, the men were flogged before they were released. Of course the apostles defied the rulers and continued to preach, but I’m stuck on this little verse. The […]

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Who’s On Our Side?

Or…whose side are you on? Ever notice how natural those questions seem? We take it for granted…everything’s about drawing lines and choosing sides. We love the folks at Venture Expeditions. They do all kinds of cool things under the tagline BENEFIT THE WORLD, DISCOVER YOUR SOUL. They’re really good at organizing cross-country team bike rides and […]

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