Hiatus–a fancy name for taking a break. Perhaps you’ve noticed (or perhaps you haven’t) that Bouncing Back disappeared for a couple of weeks. We’ve been busy with the FREEDOM TOUR and when I got back I wondered about the direction of this blog. When I began in 2009 I had a clear focus for this writing. Lately […]
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Doing A New Thing
People look at the radical new idea and aren’t sure whether they love it or hate it. But they can’t stop talking about it. That’s one way we know it’s art. The worst thing, for the artist, is for the work to be ignored. With a bit of practice anyone can do a paint-by numbers, build […]
Continue readingWe Talked About Justice
A teammate shared a story of a child’s experience with injustice. The discussion exposed old and new pains. Like many late-night conversations, this one raised questions, deepened relationships, and opened doors to further dialogue. Sharing our stories isn’t about providing answers. It’s about disclosing a part of who we are. Hopefully that process leads to the mystery and wonder […]
Continue readingPneuma Or Hot Air?
Pneuma is the Greek word for wind, used in the bible as Spirit or breath of God. “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8) So when Jesus spoke to […]
Continue readingThe Journey Continues
An odd but appropriate title for the final leg of FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ’16. Saturday’s word-of-the-day was HOPE. Hope always looks forward with confidence, so even as we gathered for the final Helmets Up! with the familiar stair-step formation of Raton Pass looming in the distance we looked beyond the approaching climb. Following Jesus, supporting the kids at […]
Continue readingCelebrating New Friends
We picked up some new riders on Tuesday. Several weeks ago Becky contacted the folks at Pikes Peak Christian Church. As they learned about our mission, Triva Wilson jumped in with both feet and made things happen. Their community got excited about the possibilities, and an incredible partnership was born. So they hosted us Tuesday […]
Continue readingNot Taken For Granted
You get swamped by generosity on this tour. First, everyone on the team looks for ways to serve each other. Folks are always asking what they can do, how they can help. The culture of intentional servant leadership appears to multiply. We’re welcomed each night by a different church community. Most of these people don’t […]
Continue readingA GLORIOUS Day
It’s difficult to describe what happens during the first two days of the FREEDOM TOUR. We bring 13 cyclists and 5 support folks together on Friday night, and two days later we’re 114 miles or so down the road. There’s not much time to figure out how it works–we meet each other one night, the […]
Continue readingThe Calm Before The Storm
Tonight our team gathers for the first time; the 500-mile journey begins on Saturday. The time leading up to a tour gets a little crazy. Becky and our support team have about a million logistical details to handle, but my role is different. I try to slow down and reflect. One way I do that […]
Continue readingA Sign Of Hope
We’re not the solution to human trafficking. Solving that problem requires fixing a broken world; that’s God’s job, and He’ll accomplish it in His time. So what’s that point of doing what we do? The work of the FREEDOM TOUR is to be light in dark places, to be a sign of the hope that […]
Continue readingLet’s Go For A Ride
Nothing beats taking your dog for a run on a nice cool morning. Most mornings before I head out for a ride I take Monte for a spin around the neighborhood. He loves it. It’s nearly impossible to get out the door without him once he realizes what I’m doing. It’s become a tradition for […]
Continue readingYou Just Never Know
Three and a half years ago, Becky and I hung up a sign. We invited folks to join us on a 500-mile bike ride. We really didn’t know what we were doing and we had no idea what would happen. We had a dream and decided to trust God for the outcome. A handful of […]
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