Becky and I are in Minneapolis today for an event called A NIGHT FOR HOPE. We’re excited to be part of an event dedicated to promoting stories of encouragement through HOPE360. I’m looking forward to connecting with inspirational people from around the country. Plus, we get a VIP tour of US Bank Stadium, the Minnesota Vikings brand […]
Continue readingAuthor: Rich
The Courage To Take The Next Step
“I’m not sure where this thing is going.” My friend and I talked over lunch as he shared uncertainty about the direction of his ministry. “There are so many moving parts, so much that’s beyond my influence, that I can’t really see how it’s all going to play out.” Ever been there? (I see those […]
Continue readingMonte Writes About Busy
Monte became a blogger on the Mississippi River ride. Turns out he was the most popular feature on the blog, which was sort of hard on my ego. Anyway, he shared his wisdom each week, and I thought it was worth re-posting. So here’s Monte’s first blog from September 15, 2011. # # # Hi. […]
Continue readingHow To Engage Others In Following Dreams
There are two ways to engage people in a God-sized dream. You can get behind them and push or you can get in front and inspire. It’s the choice between management or leadership, motivating by fear or leading by faith. If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to gather wood, divide […]
Continue readingWhy You Should Remember
I find the trail by riding it, then I look back and discover a path. There’s a lot of recent conversation about “Never Forget.” More important, I think, to remember. Remember acts as a sort of curator, sorting, cataloging, and displaying the past. Remember seeks patterns and distills lessons. Remember allows us the perspective of time to separate wheat […]
Continue readingWriting A Story We Didn’t Understand
It’s important to celebrate. Today’s a big-deal anniversary for us. Five years ago on September 12, 2011 Becky, Monte, and I met some friends at Lake Itasca, Minnesota. We snapped a few pictures, prayed, and took off on a 1500-mile handcycle journey along the Mississippi River. When I cranked away from Lake Itasca that morning, […]
Continue readingWhen We Zoom In On Fear
I snapped this photo near the end of my ride yesterday. I climb this small hill a couple of miles from home whenever I ride the bike trails. For an old guy who cranks with his arms it’s still a bit of a challenge, especially at the end of a long ride. When I first […]
Continue readingMeet Two Bold Guys
Rustin Hughes and Dustin Speakman are following a dream. Along a river. On bikes. Sounds familiar, huh? This week these two Army vets are cranking 560 miles from Fort Collins to Omaha. They’ll complete the Platte River Memorial Ride, Rustin on a handcycle and Dustin on a recumbent, to raise funds for the family of a […]
Continue readingSpeaking At The Crossing
This bike riding thing opens some amazing doors. Last week I was invited to speak to the staff of the Denver Rescue Mission at a very cool venue called THE CROSSING. I was honored and humbled to be in the midst of these special folks who do such incredible work. Most people know DRM for […]
Continue readingWhy You Should Care
Most of you aren’t disabled. You don’t need the ramps, the wider parking spaces, the bathroom grab bars. You don’t need most of the stuff marked by “the little blue guy.” Perhaps you don’t even know anyone who needs those adaptations. So why should you care? Why should you care about an issue that doesn’t […]
Continue readingWhy The Best View Is The Long View
What’s the big idea? Maybe it’s all those years creating curriculum, writing exams, and crafting lesson plans. I seem to look for the big idea, the underlying principle, the notion that ties things together. As long as I’m not doing brain surgery, I figure I can Google the details if I understand the basic ideas. FREEDOM […]
Continue readingThe Thrill Of Passing The Slow Guy
I’m faster than I used to be. If you’ve followed along for a while you’ll know my handcycling has been a long process. In my book RICH’S RIDE there’s a chapter titled Exordio Somnii (The Beginning Of The Dream) that describes the 2-block, 30-minute ride that started this whole thing. (read excerpt here) Yeah–2 blocks in 30 minutes in […]
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