
Amazing stuff happens along the road on a bike tour. At lunch a guy says, “I wanted to ride a day with you for my seven-year-old daughter. I had to leave her with her grandfather while I get my life together.” His voice is shaking. “I’m scared for her, all this social media, I know […]

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Maybe The Time’s Not Wasted

Ever get frustrated when those train crossing guards come down and you have to wait and it seems like the train takes forever? Our team took off from Cheyenne on Saturday to begin our 500-mile FRONT RANGE Tour. Beautiful day, great ride, everything went about as well as possible–until the lead riders were about 3 […]

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It’s Not A Sad Story

This isn’t a sad story though I confess I brushed away some tears as I wrote the words. If you’ve been here a while you know Monte’s my service dog. For 11 years he’s been 80 lb. people magnet, loving companion, and my bike riding buddy. Once he realized I was preparing for a ride, […]

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It’s Time For The Theme Song

The theme song tells you the show’s about to start. We’ve got a beautiful theme song, about God and dreams and overcoming adversity. It’s performed by Kristen Orphan and the Finally Home Band. It’s nearly time for the FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR. I hope you’ll enjoy the video and the sound track. Can’t see the […]

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When Is It Enough?

Nobody cares. Work harder. Texas football coach Tom Herman stamps that motto on his program. Don’t tell us your problems–nobody cares. Want to get better, to win? Work harder. It’s a great bumper sticker slogan. Works well on t-shirts and posters and weight room walls. If you’re an athlete griping about the length of practice […]

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Look At What We’d Be Missing

FREEDOM TOUR ’17 hit the road for its first event last weekend. Eight cyclists sporting our spiffy new jerseys joined 7,000 of their friends at the Elephant Rock Cycling Festival in Castle Rock.We began with HELMETS UP on a beautiful morning, then they cranked a metric century (62 miles) through absolutely stunning–and difficult–terrain in the […]

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Open post

Just One Person

Do you recognize the name Onesimus? I didn’t, either, until a blog post pointed me to the short letter of Paul to his friend Philemon. I’d forgotten about Onesimus, but I suppose that’s what happens to slaves. The letter’s really about Onesimus, but we remember his owner’s name. We sometimes wonder why Paul, or Jesus […]

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