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2020 Recap

How will you remember 2020? Becky and I will recall a year of hope and possibility.We’ll remember your commitment, generosity, and faithfulness. On behalf of the entire FREEDOM TOUR team, THANK YOU! We’ve compiled lots of pictures, videos, and numbers into our annual review. Please click the link. We think you’ll be encouraged and inspired. […]

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We Did It!

When we launched the HOPE & FREEDOM CHALLENGE, Becky said our goal should be 50,000 miles. I’m all for big dreams, but I didn’t think we’d accumulate more than three round trips to and from the HOME OF HOPE in south Asia. All summer we’ve watched the miles pile up. Folks ran through mid-western heat […]

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“Our” Wine

Last time I talked about my vineyard. I traced a personal response to Jesus’ story about a vineyard owner. It’s the way Americans tend to view most lessons, because we’re an individual-oriented culture. As I learn more about Jesus, I’m not sure it’s the best perspective. He spoke frequently in the context of community. The […]

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Outside The Spotlight

Every production needs a spotlight. One or two big, flashy stories get center stage. But the production succeeds because lots of people work unselfishly, often unnoticed, outside the spotlight. A great production happens when all parts work together to create a story bigger than any of its pieces. HOPE AND FREEDOM CHALLENGE is at nearly […]

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