It’s All In Your Head

Has anyone ever told you “it’s all in your head?” Do you think it’s true? I was working outside yesterday, enjoying a wonderful late-Autumn day. A man approached on the sidewalk, towing his little boy in a wagon. Dad stared straight ahead, and I could hear him talking. As they passed I could see the […]

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Who’s In First?

Do you ever sense that the more you know the less you know? Perhaps, at least for me, a more accurate assessment would be “the more I know the less I learn.” Reconciled? Some time ago I read a discussion of Second Corinthians (don’t recall exactly where) that ended with a confusing, and somewhat accusatory, […]

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Happy Monday. Today’s word-of-the-week won’t surprise anyone in the U.S. It election season, and I’m really tired of political… HATE Am I the only person who’s frustrated with the endless exaggerations, half-truths, and personal attacks that pass for political dialogue? I know—why don’t I just avoid or ignore them? Actually, I mostly do just that. […]

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Happy Saturday! Becky Blanton went from award-winning writer to invisible person. She explains how she changed, almost instantly, even though she didn’t change at all. If you can’t view the video, click here to watch it on my site. Have a great weekend!

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What’s Fair? (Part 2)

The most unfair thing we could possibly do is to treat everyone exactly the same. Do you agree? I want to follow up on yesterday’s story about fairness. I recapped a conversation with a guy who definitely disagreed with the opening quote. John believed that allocating a disproportionate share of resources to those with special […]

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What’s Fair? (Part 1)

Do you believe in fairness? Do you try to treat everyone equally? I had a curious conversation recently. Seated over lunch at an event with some men I’d just met, one guy (correctly) observed that the entrance to the building was a challenge for someone in a wheelchair. Another man (I’ll call him John) noted […]

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What If I Want To Fly?

What should you do with an impossible dream? Last week I spoke to about six hundred middle school kids—at an all-school assembly at the end of the day on Friday. Not sure if that’s brave or crazy. The kids were great. I encouraged them to dream big dreams and believe they can accomplish remarkable things. They listened […]

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Happy Monday! In our corner of the world it’s a blustery beginning to the week, which has absolutely nothing to do with the word-of-the-week … Bridges I’ve had a few encounters over the last few days that leave me asking this question: Is Jesus more interested in bridges or walls? I tend to be a […]

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Happy Saturday. I found myself watching this video with a silly smile on my face. I’m betting you’ll grin once or twice as well. And I think you’ll be glad you invested eighteen minutes to watch. My favorite line: Some folks preach the gospel. It’s my job to “tangibilitate” it. Please leave a comment with the […]

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How To Get Past Discouragement

How do you get past feeling discouraged? Right now, I don’t have a clue. Discouraged feels like a brick wall in my path. Ever been there? Maybe for you it’s fear or hopelessness or some other emotion. How do you get past it? What To Do? I’ve been writing this week about my idea that […]

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The Altar Of Emotions

“You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them…” [Exodus 20:3-5a] What do I worship? That question’s been gnawing at […]

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