A Guy And His Dog

We’ve received several requests for specific information about the ride. Here are some links to answers. What if I’m interested in riding along for a few days? Wanna Ride Along? How can we help with speaking contacts? Help Make A Speaking Contact Where can we get a flyer? RICH’S RIDE Flyer Last week we had […]

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Don’t Lose Your Passion

Have you ever asked yourself why in the world you volunteered for something? Once upon a time there was a guy who found incredible joy in a simple activity. He loved riding his bike. He felt more freedom and peace while cranking along than in anything else he did. So the guy decided to turn […]

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Three Weeks

Our little project is gaining momentum. A friend asked this weekend how it felt to see my dream turning into a snowball as it rolls downhill. It’s exciting and frightening. I’m reminded of the admonition to be careful what you wish for … It’s amazing to watch as this once tiny speck of a dream […]

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Happy Monday! I hope I can explain the meaning behind today’s word-of-the-week… EYE This weekend we spent a lot of time talking at our large church about RICH’S RIDE. It felt a bit like sitting in the eye of a storm. Becky, Monte, and I spoke briefly to four big groups of people. Excitement swirled […]

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Coffee And Grace

Happy Saturday! Polarization–I wonder sometimes if we’ll ever stop the spiral of angry, divisive rhetoric and personal attacks. This video offers hope. It’s a great example of speaking truth with gentleness, love, and genuine grace. (If you can’t see the video, click here.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFhSfr13Y6o Have a great weekend.

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God’s Blessing?

Do you ever think about being blessed? Last night I had the opportunity to share the vision of RICH’S RIDE with a group that included  a lot of hurting folks. More than half of the audience was either “living  outside” (their term) or finding shelter day-to-day. Many came simply for the  free meal. These folks […]

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God Surprised Me

He does that occasionally. Just when I think I have the infinite creator of the universe figured out, He does something other than what I expected. My eyes popped open at about 4:45 this morning. My brain immediately began swirling with about a million things I need to be doing at once to get ready […]

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A New Toy

Welcome to the middle of the week. Wednesday’s normally a day off here, but today I’m recommending a quick side trip over to Rich’s Ride. If you haven’t seen it yet, you’ll get a brief video tour of the new bike that’s going to take me on my big adventure. While you’re there, consider subscribing […]

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How To Utilize A Shield

Have you ever actually used a shield? I’m not sure I ever have, at least not for real. But I’ve seen shields used a lot in movies and never really thought about how to use one until our pastor made an interesting observation a few weekends ago. It’s almost impossible to use a shield effectively […]

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Happy Monday! I don’t know about you, but I begin this new week in a very real battle with today’s word-of-the-week… TRUST Ever notice how much easier it is to talk about trust than it is to do it? I began thinking seriously about RICH’S RIDE in January. I thought about the logistical issues, the problems […]

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