
HAPPY MONDAY! A bike tour starts in five days, prompting today’s word-of-the-week… BEGIN It’s that simple. After all the planning and anticipation, you have to turn the crank the first time. Without knowing what will happen or where it all will lead, you begin. I used to think these beginnings should be a big deal, […]

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A Time To Reflect

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) There’s a time to move boldly ahead, and a time to pause and reflect on the path you’ve traveled. In seven days our team will gather to begin the tour. The heavy lifting’s mostly complete, and we have a […]

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It Might Not Work

You might pray and trust God with all your heart and still not reach your goal. You might get rejected. You might try and fail. Your dream may not turn out as you imagined. It’s okay. The world wants odds of success before committing. But the question at the beginning ought to be “Is this […]

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Does Your Heart Have Eyes?

“The only way this works is if I see with my heart.” We were talking about knowing God’s plan when this gem stopped the discussion. I asked him to elaborate. “I’ve always thought it wasn’t real unless I could evaluate it, touch it, taste, smell, hear, or see it. But now I believe the only […]

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A Time To Rest

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) I think we tend to fight the seasons of life. We want to sow at harvest time and speak when we ought to be silent. It’s about our desire to be in control, which is rooted in fear. We’re […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! The eve of a big project has me thinking a lot about today’s word-of-the-week… CULTURE I’ve envisioned for months how I want our team to operate. But all the vision in the world won’t matter if we don’t establish the proper culture. Culture is everything. Culture matters more than vision. Culture is vision […]

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Why Are THOSE PEOPLE So Difficult?

I used to joke that a school would be a great place to work if it weren’t for all those pesky kids. Same thing’s true of serving in communities—it would be easy, if it weren’t for all those messed-up people. The problem is that God seems to like using messed-up people to accomplish His work. […]

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We’re Blessed To Be A Blessing

We’re surrounded by an incredible circle of support. You don’t do something like FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR or RICH’S RIDE on your own. Those things happen in communities, and occasionally I shake my head in amazement at the power of a community to follow and accomplish big dreams. Every big endeavor has corporate sponsors. Those […]

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What If You’re Not In The In Crowd?

Jesus stopped at a well to speak to a Samaritan woman. (John 4) He shouldn’t have associated with someone like her. She was a Samaritan, a woman, and woman with a sordid past. No Jewish rabbi would be seen speaking to her. She was an outcast. The woman herself recognized the inappropriate nature of the […]

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HAPPY MONDAY! A personal weakness got me thinking about today’s word-of-the-week… OUTCAST Jesus hung out with outcasts, right? We all know it’s true, and we all believe it’s a noble idea—for someone else. But if I’m honest, I don’t want to hang around with the homeless, the developmentally disabled, the poor, the addicts, the abused… […]

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