We meet a lot of interesting people on amazing journeys. I’m not sure anyone will top the story of Sylvester and Nate from Long Road To Freedom. All they’re doing is cycling from Seattle to Key West, seeking opportunities to serve, and raising awareness about human trafficking. Some other tidbits: they began the trip on […]
Continue readingAuthor: Rich
Does Believing Make It Real?
Believing we live in a just world does not mean we live in a just world. RICH’S RIDE seeks to raise awareness about social justice causes like Project Rescue, Convoy of Hope, and Teen Challenge. Awareness, by itself, changes nothing—but without awareness, nothing changes. So if people believe slavery doesn’t exist, nothing changes. If they […]
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HAPPY MONDAY! A really basic question got me thinking about today’s word-of-the-week… FEELINGS “Why did Jesus die?” It’s a great question, one for which every follower ought to have a response. I was tempted to offer my version of the “right” answer, but that’s not really how you generate dialogue. So we talked for a few […]
Continue readingAre You Willing To Leave The Neighborhood?
“Trust God for the results.” I find myself using that phrase a lot lately. Perhaps it’s a season in which I need to remember to focus on what I can control and release what I can’t. The complete phrase is “Work hard and trust God for the results.” What I CAN control is my effort. […]
Continue readingA Whisper From The Fog
“What if I can’t be fixed?” You ask a bunch of guys about their biggest fears, and you hope for some open dialogue. You don’t really expect someone to whisper from the depths of the fog. “What if I’m hopeless? This addiction killed my dad and my grandma. My sister’s relapsed over and over for […]
Continue readingHope When You Can’t See It
Robin Williams died earlier this week. It’s difficult to find anyone who knew him who didn’t love and respect Williams and acknowledge him as a kind, humble, respectful spirit. The sense of loss of this wonderful man is compounded exponentially by the horrible manner in which he died. The questions stream from every corner. How […]
Continue readingWhen You See A Bully In Action
Last week I asked a tough question. How we can oppose injustice while demonstrating unconditional grace and forgiveness? I even posed a specific situation and asked what you would do if you observed this event: Suppose a guy in a wheelchair visited a public spot that, by its nature, was minimally accessible. And imagine that […]
Continue readingResults
HAPPY MONDAY! A counter-intuitive idea prompts today’s word-of-the-week… RESULTS I can almost guarantee skeptical looks from any audience when I make this statement: The worst way to get good results is to focus on the results. This weekend some folks from our FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR team got together for a 100-mile day ride. Since I […]
Continue readingMonte’s Ideas About Teamwork
These thoughts from Monte, service dog and occasional guest blogger, originally appeared in October, 2011. # # # I’m trying to figure out my role in what’s happening. You all know we’re doing this thing called Rich’s Ride. For me it’s not that big a deal, because I just do what I always do. Rich […]
Continue readingHow Would You Answer This Question About Fear?
I love unexpected questions. Mostly. The guys in my seminar at Harvest Farm make me think. I love it, though there are times I wish I had a PA– USE button. We were discussing fear. I said, “One of the Enemy’s most powerful lies is ‘You have to REACT to your fear.’” Then we listed […]
Continue readingWhat Would You Do?
QUESTION: How much grace? ANSWER: Grace is boundless and unmerited. QUESTION: Who do you forgive? ANSWER: Everyone. Yeah, I know it’s not that simple—except, it really is. Not easy, for sure, but those are the principles to which we’re called. So now I have a real-world question for you to ponder. How do we act […]
Continue readingDo You Live On Purpose?
Do you ever stop and consider why you’re doing what you’re doing? This weekend our pastor challenged us to assess our choices regarding time, talent, and treasure. Yeah, yeah, same-old-same-old, heard it a hundred times—until I thought back to an exercise I completed last week. WISCONSIN HOPE TOUR ’14 In case you forgot, we’re heading […]
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