“Does a dream HAVE to serve others?” I’ve heard the question before as I share my definition of a dream: A dream is a God-inspired desire to use your unique gifts and talents to serve others and change the world. “Isn’t it okay to want to do something for myself, like climbing a mountain just […]
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What Motivates You?
What are you waiting for? After a recent talk, a guy told me he was a little disappointed because the staff at his recovery program wasn’t providing as much motivation as he’d anticipated. He offered a sports analogy. He wanted a coach constantly pushing, yelling, forcing him to do his best. Apparently that worked for him as […]
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Limits provide a built-in excuse. Unlimited doesn’t exist. Resources are limited. People don’t always follow through. Somebody gets hurt. There’s opposition and criticism. On the other end, opportunity does exist. We can find ways to serve, ideas to develop, and dreams to follow. Somewhere along the line I learned this nasty tendency to practice my limits. […]
Continue readingNativity
HAPPY MONDAY! A cold indoor Sunday brings today’s word-of-the-week… NATIVITY Becky loves indoor Christmas decorations. Yesterday while I watched football, our house became home to more than a dozen Santa’s, a herd of reindeer, a variety of sleighs, some stars, a few angels, several framed Christmas puzzles, a couple of snowmen, a porcelain version of […]
Continue readingPeace Without Justice?
I’m trying to discern the proper response to recent events in Ferguson. (I’m posting this on both blogs. Apologies to those who receive repeats) It’s clear to me that these developments highlight systemic, long-term injustice that goes far beyond one specific incident. I absolutely believe non-violence is the only solution. Rioting and looting only intensify […]
Continue readingCan There Be Peace Without Justice?
I’m trying to discern the proper response to recent events in Ferguson. It’s clear to me that these developments highlight systemic, long-term injustice that goes far beyond one specific incident. I absolutely believe non-violence is the only solution. Rioting and looting only intensify fear and mistrust while confirming false stereotypes. Jesus didn’t call us to […]
Continue readingA Thanksgiving Wish
Happy Thanksgiving! From the RICH’S RIDE team–we’re thankful for your love and support as we follow this crazy dream. We hope you enjoy a blessed day with family and friends. Becky, Monte, and Rich Please leave a comment here.
Continue readingWhat’s God’s Idea Of Big?
“I hope you’ll dream God-sized dreams.” I said that to the men I spoke to yesterday. I’m convinced it’s God’s desire for each of us. I believe He wants each of us to write a remarkable story with our lives…but we need to be clear about what remarkable means in Kingdom terms. A guy came […]
Continue readingWhat You Can Learn From A Finish Line
Riding an organized race isn’t normally part of the RICH’S RIDE mission. When we committed to El Tour de Tucson I didn’t think about competition. As I sat at the start line I realized many of the folks around me wanted to complete the ride as fast as possible. That notion hadn’t occurred to me. […]
Continue readingBrand-New
HAPPY MONDAY! A visit this morning to an amazing place inspires today’s word-of-the-week… BRAND-NEW We’re headed to the Teen Challenge Ranch in Phoenix this morning. If you want to see a real, tangible, living-breathing-right-in-front-of-you example of the “new life” described in scripture, this is a great place to go. At the Ranch you meet men […]
Continue readingHow Will You Finish Your Story?
“Your experiences are an opportunity to write a great story.” I conclude many of my talks with that sentence. I think it prompts a lot of questions. What, exactly, does that mean? Write…where? A story about…what? Think of your life as a book. The major episodes and seasons are the chapters. So your life experiences, […]
Continue readingWas Your Injury A Good Thing?
“Are you better because of your injury?” It was the question of the evening at the Teen Challenge Home of Hope in Casa Grande. So finally I asked my own question. “Are you asking if I believe my injury was a good thing?” They all nodded. Since they’re in recovery, they want to believe there’s […]
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