That Pesky Obstacle

Last week I talked about an obstacle in the context of remembering President Carter’s life.

Perhaps you noticed I wasn’t here on Tuesday. It’s because I was fussing with that pesky obstacle, and now I can tell you about it – true confession style.

We discovered late last week that local governments won’t allow us to use the beautiful Fort Collins bike trails for our Freedom Tour Classic. Since all four of our routes depend heavily on those trails, we’ve been scrambling for an alternative plan.

My first reaction to this sort of news isn’t hope and prayer. Instead, I lean toward worry and depression and imagining the most awful of outcomes.

Fortunately, we’re surrounded by a team of folks who are a bit more solution oriented. While I privately wallowed in self-pity, they jumped in and started imagining creative alternatives.

I’m chuckling as I write this. I’m supposed to be a leader, but I found myself being dragged, almost kicking and screaming, into believing God might use this for something good. Of course, I DO believe, but, well, you know…

In my own words:

I know this obstacle is short-term. I know Jesus has his hand on my shoulder, reminding me He knows the plan.

Am I the only one who believes and still behaves as if nothing ever goes my way?

Becky reminded me several times during the last few days that the mission hasn’t changed. We invite people to join us and support a group of kids rescued from the horrors of sex trafficking.

Our pastor, speaking on a totally different subject, said this weekend:

“God isn’t worried.”

Why not? Because He sees the end. Because He knows my worries and fears are short-term. Because He knows silly bureaucratic rules can’t obstruct His plan for justice.

I’m pretty good at sounding hopeful and faithful. Truth is, mostly I’m hanging on by my fingernails and praying for daily bread.

1 thought on “That Pesky Obstacle

  1. Ken Conn - January 17, 2025

    When I consider all the wisdom God has shared with me, and continues to teach me, the phrase, “easier said than done” comes to mind. I will be practicing (sometimes not well) what I preach until I’m taken from this world, and that’s ok. I know Someone who loves me even as I’m making mistakes and messes. I’m thankful when He reminds me to maintain hope and faith as I trust Him. He isn’t worried. 😉

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