
I’m facing a dilemma.

As I said last week, I’ve known a bit of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s story. As I learned more watching the documentary, I remembered a question I’ve frequently asked myself.

What would I have done in those circumstances?

I’ll bet it’s a common question when people look at 1930s. I’ll bet a lot of folks, like me, wonder if they would have watched silently as their neighbors were arrested and dragged off. I’ll bet they wonder if they would have simply turned away.

Well, now I am in that situation. And I don’t know what to do.

I’ve probably said 100 times that once you know you can’t un-know. But that was about trafficked children, and we all know we can’t turn away from that issue.

What about when it’s a friend? A neighbor? Didn’t Jesus have something to say about the question of who was my neighbor?

I know turning away is wrong.

I’m finding it’s much easier to proclaim “Never Again” when the prospect of again seemed remote. Now that I’m staring it in the face…

Jesus and I need to talk.

+ + +

Note: The film I referenced is a 2003 documentary (Bonhoeffer | Prime Video)

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    Foundations – Rich's Ride - January 31, 2025

    […] thinking about Bonhoeffer and the dilemma I described last […]

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