Quote from yesterday:
A commitment to giving thanks
A commitment to giving

Question for today:
Can we give thanks when we don’t FEEL especially thankful?
Perhaps we’re in the middle of the storm. Perhaps we’ve been battered from one side and then another and just when we feel like we got our balance another unexpected punch arrived.
Can we give thanks in the middle of the storm?
That’s why the quote says, “a commitment.” We give thanks because we know God is generous, even if it doesn’t feel that way right now. We give thanks because feelings are liars.
We give thanks because we believe what we believe.
Not from obligation or guilt. Not begrudgingly. Not paste-a-smile-and-pretend.
I hope you are feeling happy and blessed this Thanksgiving week. I hope you are overflowing with feelings of gratitude.
I also know some folks don’t feel that way. Some folks won’t experience an idyllic Norman Rockwell holiday.
But we can all commit to giving thanks.
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NEXT TIME: The second part of the quote.