Keep It Simple

How does one pray, when the list seems never ending?

Or when something horrible and overwhelming adds to the list?

I told you I’m using this video about The Lord’s Prayer as a devotional/reminder. Here’s The Bible Project’s modern translation.

Our father who is in the skies.
May your name be recognized as holy.
May your kingdom come, and may your will be done, as it is in the skies, so also on the land.
Our daily provision of bread, give to us today.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive those indebted to us.
Don’t lead us into the test, but deliver us from the evil one.

When we pray this short prayer, we make seven requests. The first three seek to align our desires with God’s. Your name, your kingdom, your will – brought to the land, as it is in the skies.

In the second part, Jesus tells us what to seek. Give us bread. Forgive us. Don’t lead us into the test. Deliver us.

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As I ponder this day after day, I sense Jesus encouraging me to keep it simple. I hear Him saying that He welcomes conversation about all the stuff that troubles me. He wants to hear my concerns about the kids at the Home of Hope. He wants to know about my concerns for frightened friends, and about my helpless feelings.

He also wants me to believe what I believe.

To know He holds our kids in His him. To know He cares about my friends and their fears.

To believe He cares much more than I do.

Bread. Forgiveness. Don’t lead me into the test. Deliver me.

Keep it simple.

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Here’s a deeper dive into the prayer.

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