It’s Not That Complicated

This weekend I talked to some folks about the first FREEDOM TOUR.

I told the story about hanging up a sign and inviting people to join us on a 500-mile bike ride. I admitted I was terrified when 7 people accepted the invitation, because we had no idea what we were doing.

If we weren’t great event planners, why did people decide to join us? I think it’s because we had a simple proposition: Let’s ride bikes, work together, follow Jesus, and support kids rescued from human trafficking.

12 years later, not much has changed. We’re still not great event planners. (We’re better at it now because a lot of people help us.) But mostly I still feel like I don’t know what I’m doing.

I still think people join us mostly because they want to work together, follow Jesus, and support kids rescued from human trafficking.

Too often, I forget that. I forget that if I would spend more time talking to Jesus, trusting Him for guidance about our simple proposition, I’d be a lot more peaceful and a lot less stressed. The results belong to Him anyway.

He holds all of it safely in His hands.

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