
Jesus told a story about a seed-sower.

His parable referred to the kingdom message and those who hear it in a variety of conditions. But I have a couple of questions.

Who grew the plants?

Every gardener knows – once the seeds are in the ground, the plants are on their own. Scattering seeds is an act of trust and faith. The gardener must believe the plants will do what they were created to do.

Who creates the conditions in which the plants grew?

Here, of course, the gardener has all sorts of control. She can prepare the soil, add nutrients, water regularly, keep weeds away. Good gardening is all about creating optimal conditions.

And you’re wondering why I’m talking about gardening.

+ + +

I believe when Jesus invites us to do something like the FREEDOM TOUR, or loving our neighbor in some other way, we’re “gardening.”

He invites us into a partnership in which He asks us to create the conditions for seed growing. If we choose, we can pack the dirt hard, or toss in a bunch of rocks and allow weeds to grow.

Or we can prepare the soil with love. But that’s all the control we get.

We don’t get to decide which seeds will sprout, when or how they will grow. That part is an act of trust and faith.

I don’t like that. I want to know the results all of my efforts, to see and measure the yield. Jesus tells me that’s not always something I get to know, and I think He’s OK with my discomfort.

Our job, yours and mine, is to continue preparing the soil with as much love and care as possible.

We do our best, and trust him for the outcome.

1 thought on “Gardening

  1. […] a follow-up to last time (Gardening), I’ve read, and re-read, The Parable Of The Sower (and Jesus’ explanation that follows) […]

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