
I spoke last week via zoom to a class of undergrad students preparing to be chaplains, pastors, and other sorts of care-givers.

To prepare, I read a book by Amy Kenny: My Body Is Not A Prayer Request.

Curious title, huh? Got me wondering if other people see me and my injury as a prayer request. I hope not.

Ms. Kenny makes a useful distinction between healing and curing.

She discusses healing as spiritual and soul-centered. The sort of healing that happened when 4 friends lowered a disabled man through a roof and Jesus said, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

The audience went nuts, because they realized Jesus was claiming to perform a sort of healing that can only come from God.

So he said to the man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.”

Jesus cured the man’s paralysis. But it’s clear – forgiveness, healing, was His first priority.

I absolutely believe God can cure my injury.

But I’m already healed.

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