The Shepherds

For some reason, I’m listening to more Christmas music this year.

And I’ve noticed the shepherds. We idealize them. Kids play the shepherds in the church pageant. But they were the lowest, outcasts doing a stinky job no one else would do.

When God decided to announce the pivotal moment in all of human history, the moment that changed everything – the first audience was the shepherds.

Not powerful political or business leaders. Not wealthy influential cultural icons. Not the religious establishment that claimed to seek God’s will.

God chose the shepherds.

+ + +

When I imagine ways to expand the FREEDOM TOUR circle, I tend to think about conventional paths. If I’d been in charge of proclaiming Jesus’ birth, I probably would have gone to the local newspaper and the pastor of a megachurch.

God sent a choir of angels to perform the most important concert in history in a remote field before a band of smelly, illiterate shepherds.

I wonder if He was telling us something important.


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