Couldn’t Care Less (More)

I couldn’t care less.

Ever heard that? Ever said it?

There’s a conversation. Someone’s passionate about a topic and some cynic reacts dismissively, “I couldn’t care less.”

Seems like there’s a lot of I-couldn’t-care-less around lately. Unless the issue is right in our faces and impacts us directly and personally, it’s awfully tempting to turn the Care Dial to “0.”

I think for some folks it’s sort of a defense mechanism. We’re bombarded with problems, and it’s tempting to just turn it all off by closing our eyes and turning away.

Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”

I’m a simple guy, but it seems like He closed off the option of turning away and pretending to not-care about the issues that matter to Him.

If you’re like me, you hear that and get all hung up with ohmigosh-I-gotta-get-busy-and-do-everything-about-every-issue. But I think that’s wrong as well. He’s not about creating a bunch of stress and guilt.

Caring about something doesn’t mean it’s my job to fix it. As I talk and listen to Jesus, maybe I’ll discover a path of influence I’m called to pursue. Or perhaps I’ll find peace in letting go and trusting Him.

Let’s be people who care a lot, who are willing to sacrifice to make a difference where we can.

Where others couldn’t care less, let’s strive to be people who couldn’t care more.

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