What Did You Learn?

Our COLORADO MOUNTAIN TOUR team will gather in 2 weeks.

22 people will show up to ride bikes in beautiful country with amazing people. Each morning an old guy with a teacher’s heart will bring them together and nudge them to keep their eyes open.

What will you see? Who will you meet? How can you serve?

Each evening we’ll talk about the answers and add one more question.

What did you learn?

When you answer those kinds of questions, you’ll find out the answers keep changing. One reason it’s important to look back and see the patterns of God’s handiwork.

I believe what happens along the road isn’t coincidence. The people and events are divine appointments. I don’t know how it works, but if we’re aware and willing to be interrupted – the opportunities appear.

It’s tempting to simply switch off the brain and go for a ride, and sometimes that’s exactly what’s needed. But I believe Jesus is bringing this team together for a reason. The former teacher will encourage these 22 friends to slow down a bit and try to see what surrounds them.

What will you see? Who will you meet?

They’re great questions for every day, and you and I don’t need an epic bike tour to discover interesting answers. Those divine appointments wait for us along every road.

What will we learn?

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