I’ve been thinking about spirals.
It’s Dream Season for the FREEDOM TOUR. As we wrap up and look back at 2019, we have a few months to let go of the details – routes, directions, meals, and fundraising. We get to look at the big picture, why we do it, what are the possibilities, where do we want to go.
I’m wondering, along with our planning team, whether people are attracted to our project by the cause or the community. Do they show up because they want to fight human trafficking, or because they enjoy riding bikes with like-minded people? And once they sign up, why do they stay?
I’m thinking that Jesus works with us in spirals.
Perhaps joining the tour is something like stepping onto this spiral. One might enter at any point, but generally folks are mostly attracted to either the community or the cause.
As they hang out with us, those who came for the cause encounter Jesus through others and become involved in the sense of community. And as He helps those who came primarily for community to understand His call for justice, they’re attracted to the cause.
I also believe those encounters happen again, and again, at ever-increasing depths. So a general understanding of the horrors of human trafficking might lead to simply signing up, which leads to renewed empathy with victims’ stories and deeper involvement with other tour members. Which leads to a refreshed sense of personal connection to the kids at the HOME OF HOPE and refreshed commitment to those who share that connection.
I’m sure the spiral’s unique to each person as they follow Jesus and encounter grace at every turn.
I don’t get to lead bike rides up mountains passes. I get frustrated by that, but Dream Season reminds me my role as a leader is to help people see a new landscape with different options and opportunities.
Dream Season, for me, is time for a renewed commitment to follow the dream, and to offer you the chance to step onto the spiral.
22 kids. Dozens of cyclists and volunteers. Hundreds of financial supporters. Jesus walking with us, leading us, pointing toward unlimited Kingdom possibilities.
Dream Season.
[…] came to mind recently. I’ve told you about Dream Season for FREEDOM TOUR 2020. I’m in a rush. I want to figure it out, be decisive, make sure […]