Let’s Make It Succeed

We’re working to make FREEDOM TOUR 2018 a big success.

Dates are set. We even have folks beginning to sign up!

  • FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR: June 22 – July 1
  • Freedom Tour Prologue: June 16

Still lots to do. Update website. Choose routes. Design jerseys. Connect with sponsors. Create promotion plan.

Easy to get caught up in all of this and start thinking the tour’s success depends on me. Then I roll back from the screen and remember there’s an entire team behind this effort. The FREEDOM TOUR is a community gathered around making this thing happen. Oh, yeah.

It’s not about me!

I can relax. We’re in this together. The success of the FREEDOM TOUR is a team effort. And then I encounter this quote.

“It is not your business to succeed, but to do right. When you have done so the rest lies with God.” ~C.S. Lewis

Oh, yeah.

It’s not about us.

How quickly we forget who’s in charge. How quickly we grab the reins, certain our vision is better than God’s.

God doesn’t need us. He invites us to partner with Him. We get the opportunity to do the work of making God’s kingdom a right-here-right-now reality. But we must remember we don’t get to decide how it turns out.

I’ve got all sorts of notions about what a successful FREEDOM TOUR might look like. I’ll keep working hard to make them happen, while trying to hold it all in open hands. God likely has something bigger, and better, in mind.

There’s no limit to what can be accomplished by a group of committed, passionate people when they work together and trust God for the outcome.

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