Plan The Process, Not The Outcome

I can see how how it’s going to happen.

I replay the entire process over and over in my mind. I picture every mile, every turn, hill and descent. I imagine it so many times that I almost can’t believe it will happen any other way.

Do you do that?

I absolutely love thinking forward to what the FREEDOM TOUR will be like. I love planning, doing all I can to make it the best possible experience.

But I don’t want to plan the outcomes. I want to leave space for God.


It’s easy to get busy, to go from packing to riding to lunch to riding to dinner to showers to unpacking to devotions to sleeping and then start all over again. You get to the end of the week and all you’ve done is pack, unpack, ride–and you wonder where God was.

I believe, during this sort of experience, God’s at work arranging all sorts of unexpected divine appointments. All we have to do is slow down a bit, leave some space, and allow Him to connect us with the people and experiences He’s placed before us. But we can’t make up our minds before we begin how it’s supposed to happen.

Attachment to a pre-determined outcome closes our eyes to unexpected divine appointments

So we try to plan the process and leave as much space as possible for God-inspired results. It’s a little scary, beginning each day being honest about not quite knowing what’s going to happen.

But it’s a fun adventure.

There’s no limit to what can be accomplished by a group of committed, passionate people when they work together and trust God for the outcome.

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