Memorial Day

eternal flameAll over Facebook folks remind me today’s Memorial Day.

All sorts of memes tell me I’m supposed to remember, and I agree remembering is a good thing. Memorial Day ought to be more than an excuse for a three-day weekend. But I wonder–what’s the point of remembering, if all we do is remember?

Seems like the remembering, if it’s to matter, ought to change something.

I’m thinking of other things we remember. In Joshua 4, the Israelites built an altar at the site where they crossed into the Promised Land. The stones were to serve as a memorial. The point, I think, was to remind future generations of God’s faithfulness and hopefully help them lean on His promises and move forward with increased faith and trust.

Remembering those who sacrificed for our freedom–of course. But I suspect those we honor would find it even more meaningful if, by remembering their sacrifice, we’re compelled to some sort of action.

Remembering, it seems, is only part of honoring.

1 thought on “Memorial Day

  1. Jason Baez on Facebook - May 30, 2016

    Well said Rich! I wonder how many of the men and women who sacrificed their lives, who saw horrific and unspeakable things, would want their own children to experience what they did? How many of those brave, strong , men and women fought, so their loved ones and fellow Americans could enjoy a world where peace prevailed? I couldn’t agree more. Honoring must be accompanied by action.

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