We’re Not Trying

We’re not trying to be the biggest bike tour.

We’re not trying to be the fastest bike tour. Or the most efficient. Or the most diverse.

Seth Godin pointed out that you ought to be prepared to invest your heart and soul into the thing you’re trying to be. So you should know what that thing is. And what it isn’t.

It’s easy to be tempted by bigger, but that means we have to spend most of our time doing whatever it takes to grow.

If we want to be faster, we have to focus on attracting faster riders.

Leaner and more efficient means a laser focus on removing anything extraneous, fun, not directly tied to accomplishing the mission.

All fine goals, but not what we’re trying to be.

We’re trying to be a community of friends who encourage each other to trust God, work together as servant leaders, and offer hope to others.


We do this by bringing people together around bike rides. We create a community of riders, support team members, volunteers, sponsors, and donors around bike rides that are really mission trips.

So we spend most of our time trying to strengthen the community and invite new people into the circle.

It’s good to remind ourselves occasionally of what we’re trying to be, and to tell you as well. Once in a while someone asks why the ride isn’t getting bigger, or faster, or whatever. One answer, at least, is that we’re not trying to be those things.

Of course we’re trying to expand the circle. It’s just not our main focus. We’re most concerned with finding people in whom this crazy idea ignites a spark. We want them to be blessed by the experience and hopefully turn spark into flame.

We want folks to feel connected to each other and to the kids at the HOME OF HOPE.

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A couple of thoughts:

Want to join us? There are lots of ways to join this remarkable community and help bring hope and freedom to the kids at the HOME OF HOPE. Check out the website and find your role.

What are you trying to be? Is it something in which you’re willing to invest your heart and soul?

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