

Our desire to tell a story prompts today’s word-of-the-week…


MondayWe don’t want you to do this out of guilt.

You hear it all the time. Here’s the cause. You understand the need. The scriptural mandate is clear. We hope you’ll respond.

But we don’t want you to respond out of guilt.

We’re beginning to tell the story of the FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR for 2016. It’s an inspirational story about kids rescued from the horrors of life in a brothel and given an opportunity for a brand new life in a HOME OF HOPE.

We want to touch hearts. We want folks to connect with these kids and choose to get involved. We hope to inspire compassion, because compassion responds generously out of love.

God isn’t about guilt. He isn’t about I have to do this because I’ll feel bad if I don’t. That’s not compassion; that’s guilt.

We try to inspire folks to join the FREEDOM TOUR story. But we work really hard not to use the kids to manipulate emotions.

We never want someone involved out of guilt.

It’s Monday. It might be a good week to stop doing things out of guilt.

Have a great week.

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