Why Should I Step Back?

bullyIf he pushed me first?

If they were rude, or yelled at me?

If she posted something unfair?

If I didn’t begin the conflict, why should I be the one to take a step back? He started it!

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“Good questions. What’s the fear?”

“What fear? I’m not afraid of anything!”

“Then why not take a step back?”

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We had a great discussion about the difference between running away, pushing back, and stepping back.

What most of them had never considered was that bullies push back out of fear. Bullies puff up their chests, yell, and lash out with words or fists.

Junior high school bullies. Online bullies. Media bullies. Political bullies.

They can’t take a step back because they’re afraid. Afraid they’ll be perceived as weak, that someone will take advantage. Afraid they’ll lose some sense of power and control.

Bullies are cowards. Rather than facing their fear, they hide behind a mask of false bravado.

Jesus took a step back. He said it requires courage to care more about the other person than about your own power. So He turned the other cheek and asked us to do the same.

I wrote about Walking In The Other Guy’s Shoes yesterday over at Bouncing Back. Maybe you’ll check it out.

This discussion got me thinking about where I can take a step back. Where can I care less about making my point and more about repairing the relationship?

I want to stand firm. I just want to stand in the right place, and I think that means at times I need to take a step back.

How about you? How does this notion impact you? Can you see any places where you need to take a step back?

Please leave a comment here.


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