Why Take The Risk?

I enjoy le Tour de France.

Riders use the same basic equipment as the serious amateur cyclist, riding the same sort of roads. Their advantage is almost entirely long-term training and dedication.

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I also like the fact that le Tour requires both individual and team sacrifice. Each person works incredibly hard, pushes his body into the “red zone” of endurance day after day for three weeks. However, none of that hard work will amount to anything if the team fails to work together.

A team working together is stronger than even the best individual. Because they can share the workload and save 30% of their energy by riding in the aerodynamic protection of the pack, a lone rider has no chance over a long distance against a group of strong riders working together.

le Tour is just like life. Long-term, an individual operating completely alone cannot succeed over the long term.

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Despite this knowledge, on most days a lone rider attempts a breakaway. He’ll take off on his own near the start of a 125-mile race and give every ounce of courage and strength in his body, building a substantial lead over the peleton of perhaps 170 riders. Every day we wonder…will this be the day it succeeds?


And nearly every day, as though it’s scripted, the peleton slowly but surely closes the gap and the lone leader is overcome but the sheer power of the group. The rider who worked so hard for all those lonely miles has literally nothing to show for all that effort.

His breakaway attempt failed.

So why in the world would a professional cyclist do such an obviously crazy thing? Why try something that’s doomed to fail? Because…

Nearly every breakaway fails. Occasionally, talent and a lot of circumstances fall the right way and a long solo breakaway succeeds. A rider who accomplishes that…he and his team get to celebrate something very special.

I can’t imagine the disappointment of pouring your heart and soul and every bit of energy in your body into something only to have it swept away when success seems within your grasp. But if you won’t risk that disappointment, you get no shot at the triumph.

Same thing in life. Following the dream means taking a risk. Maybe you’ll fail. Maybe you’ll get swept up by a bigger, stronger team.

It’s safer to ride in the protection of the group. No risk of failure.

No chance to follow your dream.

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