Living Or Recording?

oscar-selfieActor George Clooney hosts all sorts of people from all walks of life at both private and public events. At private events–large and small–he politely asks guests to leave electronic devices in pocket or purse so folks can simply enjoy their time together.

At a large public event even famous people scrambled for “selfies” with Clooney and others. During a break in the photo-snapping madness, Clooney stood off to one side with a friend and observed:

It seems that we’ve become so obsessed with recording our lives that we’ve lost the ability to experience them.

Those words stopped me. Have we exchanged Instgram for experience? It’s a great question as we get ready for the FREEDOM TOUR.

Let’s be sure that we don’t spend so much time recording made-up moments that we forget to experience the important ones.

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