Where’s The Bible Centered?

old bibleI’ve been reading about different traditions when it comes to interpreting the bible.

Without trying to explain all of the different options, it’s interesting to realize that I see scripture almost exclusively from a Christ-centered perspective. I’d never really considered that other options existed, but I’ve learned that they do.

As our small group studies the life of Abraham, we encountered an incident in Genesis 13-14. Abraham and Lot have to separate because their flocks and herds have grown too large.

Abraham’s the leader and the elder. He’s entitled to choose his portion of the land, but he defers to his younger nephew. He allows Lot to choose first.

Reflecting on Abraham’s character, I see a foreshadowing of Jesus’ model of servant leadership. Rather than demanding his rights, he trusted God’s promise and allowed Lot to take the best land.

Jesus’ teaching shouldn’t have been a surprise. God planted hints all through the story–they just needed to look through the proper lens.

I think that’s still true.

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