Brief Glimpses

god handsOnce in a while we get a brief glimpse of what God’s up to.

Most of the time we’re pretty sure we see God’s hand in short-term results that happen to align with our desires. I’m certainly no expert, but I tend to think He works in bigger pictures and longer timelines. I see His work when I look back at patterns that emerge over time. I look at where I’ve been and where I am and occasionally, when I get myself out of the way, I get one of those brief glimpses.

Last week our friend Phil went with Becky and me to meet with a new church partner in Brighton. The path that led to this particular meeting began several years ago with no thought of a future project called FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR. The twists and turns and the people involved would be nearly impossible to follow.

The path took us to a room with people who instantly caught the vision. It felt like we were talking to folks who’d been on the team for years. They got it, and they wanted in.

They asked how they could help and tossed out great ideas. They offered support, facilities, encouragement.

We didn’t make this happen. We search every way we can–relying on our own strength–for partners who want to be part of this crazy project. And at times it’s hard to wonder why people don’t immediately jump in with both feet, because this is clearly God’s Plan, right?

And then we remember–God might have something else in mind. I keep saying FREEDOM TOUR is more than a bike ride. Maybe, just maybe, this whole thing belongs to Him. So maybe He knows how it’s supposed to happen.

I like that notion. We’re caretakers, responsible only for being good stewards. God takes care of the results.

I’m excited about our new partners in Brighton. I can’t wait to see the amazing ways they’ll expand the circle.

It’s gonna be a blast!

There’s no limit to what a committed, passionate group of people can accomplish when they work together and trust God for the outcome.

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1 thought on “Brief Glimpses

  1. Patrick Mount - March 30, 2015

    “We’re caretakers, responsible only for being good stewards. God takes care of the results.”
    So well said, Rich!
    Our stewardship responsibility is not a light one, but it is our primary one! The results, and the glory, are His – and we have the joy of being vessels!
    Thanks for the empowering, encouraging blogs, Rich. I enjoy (and am appropriately challenged by) them!

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