Want To Change The World In 23 Weeks?

green web 15What are you doing to change the world during the last week of June?

Twenty-three weeks from today you can be part of a team that will absolutely make a difference in the lives of some kids who’ve been rescued from human trafficking. It’s a big dream, and we need everyone if we’re going to make it happen.

Front Range Freedom Tour ’15 will take a team of cyclists on a 500-mile tour of the beautiful Colorado Front Range from Cheyenne, Wyoming to Raton Pass at the New Mexico border. We’ll talk over the next days about details. For now, please click the link for more information and signup details.

Today I want to focus on “twenty-three weeks.” I’d like you to consider your role on the FREEDOM TOUR team over the next twenty-three weeks.

The folks who plan to join the cycling team won’t wait until June 1 to begin training. How about you? You can do this, if you begin with a bit each day.

How about supporting a rider financially? Rather than simply writing a check, what if you “trained” by setting aside an increasing amount, much as a rider will increase her miles as the ride approaches?

tableFor example, this table might represent saving a dollar the first week, then two dollars the second week, and so on. It might be an interesting way to involve your family in a discussion about the ride, the cause, and the whole notion of sacrificial giving.

It would be easy to scale it back for kids to quarters or nickels. It’s not about the amount, its about involvement. And how cool would it be if, for each dollar or nickel, your family also rode your bikes a mile together? Think of how much exercise and conversation would happen by the end of twenty-three weeks.

If you check out the Freedom Tour page you’ll see a bunch of ways you can get in on this effort. It’s a big project, and we’ll need everyone’s help to get where we want to go. And here’s the thing…you don’t have write to a big check right now.

Look at the table. Whether it represents dollars or miles or prayers, if you begin now and do a little bit each week and build up slowly, you’ll see big results in just a few weeks.

What are you doing the last week of June? How about if we all start now and during the next twenty-three weeks we change the world?

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