Do You Ever Worry About Worrying?

worrySomewhere along the line I learned to worry.

I got really good at it, and as a young adult the notion of NOT worrying about stuff seemed really odd. In fact, I worried when I wasn’t worried.

When I finally figured it out, I realized that I somehow equated not worrying with not caring. In other words, if I didn’t lose sleep over something I probably didn’t care enough about it.

Pretty crazy, huh?

I can’t claim I no longer worry. Old habits die hard, and depression has a way of wearing down defenses. But as a new year begins, I’m grateful to realize I’ve learned some things that reduce the energy I waste on worry.

Mostly I think we worry about results, and I really do believe God’s in control and that in His timing He causes all things to work together for His definition of good. That doesn’t mean it’ll happen the way I want or when I want. I’m (mostly) okay with that.

Believing it’ll all be okay isn’t the same as believing things will always be the same–or that things will change. It’s believing the results aren’t the most important issue.

These days I talk to God a lot less about results (what I want) and a lot more about how to follow Jesus (what He wants). This helps me focus on doing the right things the right way and leaves the outcomes to Him.

So here’s to a New Year in which we all find the peace that comes with less worry and more trust.

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