What Do You Practice?

forkLimits provide a built-in excuse.

Unlimited doesn’t exist. Resources are limited. People don’t always follow through.  Somebody gets hurt. There’s opposition and criticism.

On the other end, opportunity does exist. We can find ways to serve, ideas to develop, and dreams to follow.

Somewhere along the line I learned this nasty tendency to practice my limits. I focus on them, argue for them, make sure they’re part of my consciousness. The result?

I learned to view life as a very limited place. I learned to see problems and excuses and get stymied by critics.

Jesus offers hope. He invites us to look for opportunities to use our gifts in service. When we follow Him we see a world of possibility, because hope changes what’s possible.

What would life look like if we practiced our dreams, focused on our opportunities?

Easy to say, hard to do–old habits die hard.

I’m thinking practicing possibilities might be a good way to end 2014.

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