

A friend’s reluctance to attend church prompts today’s word-of-the-week…


MondayI know a man who loves Jesus with all his heart. He also happens to have black skin, and has reached a place where he doesn’t feel at home in church.

I’ve had a difficult time understanding, but I think recent events in Ferguson highlighted an essential distinction. Even where there’s diversity, there’s been no reconciliation because there’s no justice.

Without justice, what we’re really seeking is assimilation. We’re opening the doors and hanging out the “welcome” sign. Others are welcome to become like us.

That’s not diversity—it’s racism. It’s the assumption that one group, culture, race, is superior.

I get why my friend doesn’t want to assimilate.

If we truly want reconciliation, we need more than different skin colors, tattoos, and a spectrum of dress codes. We need authentic justice which implies that God sees everyone equally.

Otherwise, diversity’s just politically correct window dressing. I don’t want to be part of that, either.

Have a great week.

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