What Happens When Things Get Real?

alcsI love talking to kids about dreams.

I love telling them about hope and possibility and being what God made them to be. But yesterday when I looked at a group of eager young faces I had this crazy thought.

I’m encouraging them to take risks, step out in faith, avoid taking the safe path. I’m suggesting they ought to take on more than they can handle and lean on God for the difference.

Those things matter, and I suddenly wondered What if they take me seriously? What if one of these kids actually does what I’m talking about?

It’s one thing to write about this stuff. It’s a whole different thing to look at a real young person and imagine risk and fear and sacrifice.

I finished my presentation, but inside I wrestled with an old question:

Do you really believe what you believe?

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Several readers reported problems with the video I posted yesterday.

If you’re one who missed it, click here.

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1 thought on “What Happens When Things Get Real?

  1. Bill - September 26, 2014

    Hi Rich,

    Been following your ride in Wisconsin. Enjoyed your video.

    Clark Osborn tells me you will not be in Minnesota which is a disappointment. I was hoping to meet with you and offer you a Cross at the location of your choice. And would like to publish your testimony with pictures of the Cross on our website.

    Cross web pages are attached .

    Please pray and see if the Lord would have you do such a thing. Yes, Colorado is ok to plant the Cross!!! No cost to you — it is our ministry.

    Many blessings in your travels.

    Pastor Bill Mantel
    PO Box 406
    Cambridge, MN 55008

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