How Do You View A Limited Horizon?

roadNothing lasts forever.

This week we begin a new ride. Wisconsin Hope Tour offers a fresh canvas, a blank expanse of road stretching out in front of us. Each time we begin a tour I’m excited to see what God has in store for us just beyond that hill.

This time, though, there’s another level of awareness. RICH’S RIDE won’t last all that much longer.

We began this adventure in 2011, motivated partly by my 60th birthday and the realization that we had a finite window in which to tackle the crazy dream of a 1500-mile ride. When we decided to continue with other rides, we knew our time frame was limited. I’m not ready to quit just yet, but at some point advancing age and long-distance handcycling will become incompatible.

Suddenly, that reality’s hitting home, and that makes me realize how absolutely precious the next four weeks will be.

We always think there’ll be another week, another shot. There’s always next year, right? Except, of course, when there isn’t a “next” year and you’re left wondering if you made the most of the years God provided.

From my perspective, I have the gift of an obviously limited horizon and the ability to make the most of every moment until I reach it. It’s not about fussing over the timeline—that’s God’s domain. It’s about doing all I can with each moment, each mile, and trusting God for the results.

I’m starting a new tour. What are you starting with this new week? Are you looking past any moments, counting on next week or next year?

Let’s commit, together, to lean into each moment of the next four weeks and do what we can to make them count.

I hope you’ll follow along as we tour Cheeseland. This ride, for a few reasons, has the potential to be a bit different than previous adventures. I’m excited.

Whatever happens…it’s gonna be a blast!

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1 thought on “How Do You View A Limited Horizon?

  1. Alycia - September 2, 2014

    I guess we aren’t in charge of time, which sucks for those of us who try to be:) Although, you are as stubborn as my husband which leads me to believe more fun is to be had. This means exasperation for us wives. Great blog Rich. Heartfelt and honest.

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