

An early morning inspired today’s word-of-the-week…


MondayMy eyes opened this morning at that magical pre-dawn instant when light begins to banish darkness. It seemed dark, then a moment later no darkness remained.

Last week I was socially captive for a short time and endured a political rant concerning the pervasive death and darkness in our world. Before I could excuse myself the speaker listed Middle Eastern terrorists, Ukrainian militants, and invading illegal immigrant children as proof of the darkness overtaking us.

The thing about darkness is—it’s not a thing, it’s the absence of a thing. Once you introduce even a small bit of light, it’s no longer dark.

I don’t claim to know the political solutions to these and other difficult circumstances, but I do know they’re not caused by too much darkness, because darkness isn’t a thing. Dark is only the absence of light, and none of these problems will be solved by cursing the darkness.

Every long-term solution involves adding more light.

You and I know the source of the light. We’re called to be a prism, to reflect Jesus’ light into a world that desperately needs to see it.

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Once there was an empty tomb, containing only a lifeless body. The tomb was apparently filled completely with death and darkness.

And then…a single heartbeat. A spark of light.

With that heart beat, every ounce of death left that place, because death is only the absence of life.

With that spark, every ounce of darkness left that place, because darkness is only the absence of light.

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It’s Monday. How about if you and I act like the dawn and look for opportunities to reflect the light and life of Jesus to those we encounter?

Have a great week!

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