Unless You’re Complacent, There’s Always Fear

socksMy friend Paul and I talked a while back about the benefits of a bike adventure combined with a social justice mission.

We shared stories of riders who exceeded everyone’s expectations because they were riding for something bigger than themselves. I said I wish everyone could have that sort of experience and sometimes I struggle to understand why it’s so difficult for people to make the commitment.

Paul and I reached this conclusion:

Once you’ve stepped through the door, it’s easy to forget how hard it was to step through the door the first time.

Paul’s done lots of tours. I’ve done a few. We’re both “over” the fear of can I do it? When others say “That’s amazing” we tend to wave our hands dismissively. No big deal.

Except, of course, it is a big deal. Whether it’s cycling a lot of miles, committing the time, raising the funds, talking about the cause, or just being part of a team, it’s scary, especially when you’ve never done it. That’s okay. It’s supposed to be scary.

We pay a heavy price to avoid feeling afraid. Mostly, the price is way too steep, but it’s hard to know that at the beginning.

It gets easier each time you do it, but it’s never supposed to get easy, not if you’re challenging your limits and trusting God in the space beyond your comfort zone. It’s supposed to be hard—that’s the point.

Maybe that’s one of the big advantages to an adventure like a bike tour or a group mission trip. It’s a fun way to step through the door for the first time. Hopefully that initial step leads to others and a lifetime of trusting God’s call to engage with your faith and follow big, outrageous dreams.

But don’t imagine that the fear goes away. If you refuse to become complacent and continue to follow God-sized dreams, you’re always going to confront impossible.

Following Jesus isn’t about seeking easy. It’s always about seeking the courage to confront the fear and do what’s hard.

So the question is, “What’s the fear?” Maybe it’s 500 miles, maybe it’s something else altogether. What’s the limit you’re challenging?

What’s the fear?

Take courage. I AM. Don’t be afraid.

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