Interested In A different Bracketology?

Are you one of the many folks consumed right now with something called “Bracketology”?

The NCAA basketball tournament started this week. People who haven’t watched a college basketball game all year are suddenly fans as they try to predict which teams will advance and eventually win what’s known as March Madness. Seems like everyone fills out at least one bracket. This year, interest increased when Warren Buffet offered one billion dollars for anyone who predicted all 63 games correctly.

I’ve been sucked into this craziness. I’ve enjoyed pouring my expertise into my predictions, only to be beaten by someone who picked based on uniform colors or favorite mascots.

I was thinking about FRONT RANGE FREEDOM TOUR ’14 and realized it’s comprized of teams. Each rider is surrounded by a team of sponsors. RICH’S RIDE is a team, as are U COUNT and Project Rescue. Our SAG group is a team. Each of our host churches is a team.

So I wondered if the teams in our tour could be represented in some sort of tournament bracket. And as soon as I started, I realized it wouldn’t work, because our teams aren’t competing with each other.

Our “bracket” looks more like this:

bracket circle

We’re a circle, a circle of teams all working together.  Every team matters. Every person on every team matters.

Have you done an NCAA bracket, maybe tossed $10 into a pool for fun? If so, good luck! My bracket’s already a mess, and it’s only day 2.

I hope you’re finding your spot in our FREEDOM TOUR bracket. No predictions required, no gut-wrenching upsets, and in our “bracket” there are no losers. Everyone who plays, wins.

And our “bracket” has a bunch of winners–the kids at the HOME OF HOPE.

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