What We Reward Says A Lot About Our Communities

red rocks 2I have a personal theory that following Jesus is simple. Not simplistic, but simple.

God organized the world around simple, long-term core principles. We can ignore them if we wish, and in the short run it might look like a good choice. But in the end, the designer knows what works best for us. When we refuse to follow His guidance, we don’t operate at full potential.

I’ve talked about the dynamics that emerge during a team cycle ride. Here’s one that’s clear, simple, and powerful.

A strong, successful, long-term focused community rewards members who sacrifice their welfare to benefit others.

A failing, short-term focused community rewards those who sacrifice others’ welfare to benefit themselves.

Jesus repeated this notion many times. The last will be first and the first will be last. The Kingdom of God rewards service and sacrifice.

It works on bike rides, but this principle applies to all kinds of communities—families, teams, military units, business organizations, political systems, and churches.

Selfishness works in the short run. Selfish CEO’s and politicians accumulate money and power at the expense of those they’re supposed to “serve,” and it looks like they beat the system. But everyone knows these “leaders” only contribute to the long-term demise of the organization they’re entrusted to protect.

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Ever heard the ominous threat, “God will punish us if we don’t live according to His rules”?

I don’t think He operates like that.

Communities and systems that ignore His principles will eventually fail. That’s true for teams, political systems, churches, nations… It’s not about punishment, it’s about discounting the way God designed the world to work.

God’s way is about service, sacrifice, and courage. It leads to stability, creativity, safety, and freedom.

The world’s way is about selfishness, bullying, and cowardice. It leads to volatility, fear, and slavery.

Let’s examine the communities in which we live and work. Let’s do what we can to assure that our communities reward members for service and sacrifice.

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