
Happy Monday!

A shallow TV commercial got me thinking about today’s word-of-the-week…


MondayIt was a series of commercials, actually, each offering something for nothing—free!

Seems like everything in our culture has been reduced to money. What’s it cost? Free? Cool…I’ll take two!

We can buy anything—even people. Anywhere in the world, for a relatively small amount of money, you can purchase a human being.

As I type those words, they sound absolutely absurd, but the absurdity is that it’s true. People are STILL bought and sold as commodities. Slavery and human trafficking comprise the fastest-growing worldwide revenue stream for organized crime.

It happens because people are desperate. They’re desperate because they’re poor and hungry. They’re poor and hungry because…

It’s a sad, deplorable cycle, and I certainly don’t have the answers. But more and more I’m convinced that I cannot claim freedom while others are enslaved. I may live in a country where we thump our chests and trumpet our liberties, but our freedom’s an illusion as long as we allow others to live in slavery.

It’s kinda fun to pretend I’m getting a free upgrade, even though we all know it’s really not free.

It’s harder to hide behind the undeserved blessing of where and when I was born, pretending I’m free while 27 million people live in bondage.

Have a great week.

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