Going Or Talking About Going?

runnerI’ve been thinking lately about engagement.

My thought—an awful lot of what we call following Jesus is really talking about following Jesus. I think following might have to involve some sort of engagement.

I think Satan would like nothing more than for us to spend a lot of time discussing Jesus. He’d be pleased if we devoted ourselves to learning about Jesus, studying His teaching, and knowing every detail about His life.

Our enemy would encourage religious leaders who make themselves celebrities. He’d be excited about large church bureaucracies, rigid policies, and divisive doctrinal statements—especially if lots of time, energy, and money were spent crafting, re-working, and maintaining them.

I think he’d delighted by anything that looks religious without actually engaging with people and their pain.

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In Exodus 3, God addresses Moses from a flaming shrub. After a quick introduction, God briefly explains His plan. Then He says, “So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.” (Exodus 3:10)

So now, go.

That’s it. No college degree or internship, no time to make an action plan or pull together a support staff. No building, no office, no organization.

These people need help. You’re my guy. So now…GO!

God didn’t want Moses to learn about the problem, study it from a safe distance, and train some missions experts he could send a few years later. He didn’t want concern or charity or even a prayer chain.

He wanted engagement. He wanted Moses to actually go somewhere and do something.

Several centuries later, Jesus showed up. He could have opened His own university to train disciples. Imagine the coursework He might have offered! Instead, He said, “Follow me.”

Come with me. Watch. Do what I do.

After He hung out with them for a few short years, it was time to leave. His final words to His friends:

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19)

I think I have a new phrase for my bathroom mirror.

So now…GO!

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