What Do You Learn On The Journey?

A guy takes a bike tour. At the end of the tour he’s learned an important lesson.

His story can make a difference. It seems like a bold statement, but he’s pretty sure he has something important to share.

That might seem sort of silly for someone who’s been writing and speaking for several years. But on this tour, God used some very special people to show him the difference between I want this to matter and I KNOW this matters. He learned he has something unique to say, that he can say it confidently, and that it needs to be communicated.

This isn’t about the arrogance of knowing he’s right or believing he has access to magic answers. On the contrary, it’s the sort of confidence that allows vulnerability and openness. He just has this sense that he knows what he needs to say and how he needs to say it. That leaves lots of room for questions and other perspectives.

It’s also not about knowing he’ll always succeed. It’s about knowing the importance of speaking up even if he fails, of accepting the risk because the story matters more than the fear or the failure.

Thinking about all this, he’s more convinced than ever that you are essential to how this plays out.

Your dream matters, too, because God made each of us to dream big dreams that matter in kingdom terms.

A dream is a God-inspired desire to use your unique gifts and passions to serve others and change the world.

Your dream matters—to those you serve, to those for whom you can change the world. Don’t hide. Don’t let fear or complacency keep you from stepping forward.

God intended us to follow our dreams in community. Somehow, your dream, your service, the ways you change the world—those all impact others in the circle.

He realized he needed others to help him share his story. He needed people in the circle to help him find speaking opportunities.

He also understood his desire to help others find and follow their dreams. He knew he needed to figure out better ways to do that.

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We’re all on a journey. What are you learning on yours? How can we help each other?

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