God-Opened Doors

Some will see only coincidence.

We’re home. The tour’s over, except for some residual effects from the Skunk-Ape attack (click the link if you missed the story).

It’s time to reflect.

I think I learned from FLORIDA HOPE TOUR 2013. Over the next few days I’ll share what I observed, hoping you’ll find some application to your own journey.

If you followed the tour you know we didn’t pre-plan much of our speaking calendar. Of the 29 different times we shared the story, only 4-5 were confirmed when we left home. The rest developed as we traveled, often with only a day or two of advance notice.

A similar phenomenon occurred on the Mississippi River Ride in 2011, but the nature of the audiences was vastly different.

The majority of the 26 audiences in 2011 were church-based—congregations, Adult Sunday school classes, youth groups, and Christian schools. We talked about God to folks who knew the lingo and cheered for the guest speaker who told a story in a familiar, shared language.

In 2013 we definitely took the message outside church walls to drug rehab centers, mental treatment programs, halfway houses, and developmental disability groups. Some programs were faith-based, many weren’t, but audience members had a decidedly different approach to a guest speaker who wasn’t quite so obviously on the team.

The important thing to note is…we didn’t plan it that way. The pattern emerged as we progressed. God opened the doors, with help from persistent friends.

As I said in the opening sentence, some will see only coincidence. Here’s what I see.

In 2011 we needed lots of encouragement. We began with doubts and uncertainties about every aspect of the project, and we certainly weren’t sure how to tell our story or how it would be received. I believe God purposely opened opportunities that provided lots of support because He understood where we were in the process.

This time we tried hard to find church-based opportunities, but different doors opened. The audiences were tougher, sometimes a bit more reserved. I enjoyed meeting and speaking with these folks, but often—for a lot of understandable reasons—they weren’t as quick to offer feedback or over-the-top encouragement.

I believe God knew I was more prepared, more confident, more sure about the message. I believe He did what He always does—He gave me what I could handle.

I absolutely didn’t want it to develop as it did. On both tours I wanted the agenda all buttoned up, but for whatever reason that’s not what happened.

And…we left home anyway. I’m not going to lie—it wasn’t comfortable, and Becky would confirm that I did my share of or worrying and hand-wringing.

I don’t advise “not-planning” as a strategy. I do believe God had something to teach us with the way He orchestrated the events on these two tours. In the end the choice was trust or quit. I’m glad we didn’t quit.

I do think we often over-plan. We’re so obsessed with following our artificially pre-planned schedule that I wonder if we would notice an unexpected God-opened door.

Your thoughts?

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2 thoughts on “God-Opened Doors

  1. Dudley Boyd - March 14, 2013

    Great insights Rich. I could feel “the shift” with the addition of The ARC during your Memphis visit. We were stepping out of the church and into the world. It made me smile, even chuckle a bit, because I see God do this so often to those of his children that are pressing in. He’s taking you somewhere. He’s taking us somewhere through you. It’s actually very exciting – uncomfortable. It stretches my faith, which is never comfortable to my flesh or the status quo.

    Beyond the church, our saltiness is desperately needed in the world. Yet it is very challenging for our cynical world to fully embrace what they may preceive as platitudes when they are in such deep spiritual, emotional and physical pain. It may require a change in tactics and that is why Melissa and I were moved to give you The Evidence Bible during your visit. This particular bible is specifically designed equip us to confidently shift gears from the church to the world and address the heart of the matter and give every person the best shot at finding their way home. Understanding and choosing to aligning ourselves with God’s proposition is the beginning of every believers journey to hope and meaning.

    God is leading. The journey continues.

    Your brother in Christ,


  2. mike - March 14, 2013

    Well done good and faithful servant(s). Welcome home.

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