Fred And Joan

RICH’S RIDE is about people, and we’re blessed to meet interesting folks in a variety of settings.

Fred and Joan wondered about the trailer, the dog, and the odd-looking bike. We’d stopped by the beach for a food/water break on day 2 of the Florida tour. Monte was still trying to make sense of the taste of saltwater and waves that chased him. Becky and I were absorbing the glory of warm weather. Fred said, “We just had to see what this is all about.”

So Becky told them our story and did a great job of shifting attention to them. They left Maine in a January snowstorm, stopped in DC to join a Walk For Life, and now they were touring Florida on a Harley to celebrate their 30th anniversary.

Fred laughed at the surprised looks on our faces. “Yeah, I was 17, she was 18, everybody in town figured she was pregnant.” He hugged her. “All these years, and it’s been a pretty cool ride together. God’s sure been faithful.”

They asked about my injury and the books. “Relentless Grace. I love that title.” Joan mused. “Grace and forgiveness are the hardest things. It’s so easy to forget how much we all need them and how much we need to give them. I’m still working on that.”

Fred handed Becky a donation for Convoy of Hope and we talked for a few more minutes. Then it was time to head down the road. They offered to tow me behind the Harley, which was tempting since it was a headwind day.

After I left, another couple wandered over. The guy wore a Red Sox hat, and Becky joked that it was a good thing they waited until I left since I’m a Yankee fan. Fred asked Becky to return his donation. He was kidding—I think.

How often do you meet complete strangers on a beach 2500 miles from home, learn about their story, have them hand you money, and have a conversation about God and grace? It’s amazing how often RICH’S RIDE provides just this kind of opportunity.

I don’t know what God does with these scattered interactions. I think of them in terms of this simple parable.

He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. Mark 4:26-27

I believe the seeds sprout and bear fruit, even though I’ll likely never see most of the results.

It’s difficult to imagine, but I think He even uses Red Sox fans.

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