Mission: Share

Fear makes it easier to wish you could than to hope you can.

The second part of the RICH’S RIDE mission statement says:

Speak to a variety of audiences about hope, possibility, and God’s faithfulness.

But “speak” is really the wrong word, and words matter. Using the wrong word in a mission statement can get you in trouble.

Just about a year ago I was invited to meet with a group of homeless men Jackson, Mississippi. It was a chilly Monday morning. These guys came for a hot meal and a safe place to rest for a few hours. After a weekend of hunger on cold, dangerous streets, they didn’t show up to listen to “wisdom” from a suburban guy who clearly couldn’t comprehend their world.

I remember looking at these men and wondering how I could possibly bridge what seemed like an impassable chasm between our experiences. Honestly, I was afraid—of failing, of not saying the right things.

I made it all about me. Blinded by my self-centered fear of failure, I forgot why I’d come. I thought I was there to speak.

That morning in Jackson, I needed to connect with those guys so I could share God’s message of hope and faithfulness. It wasn’t about me and my words. I needed to get out of the way, let go of fear, and allow God to speak to hurting hearts.

Fortunately, God stepped in when I started talking and we had a wonderful morning. You can read about what happened here.

Connect reminds me that what unites us is what matters. All I could see was differences, but that stuff is all on the surface.

Share reminds me that RICH’S RIDE doesn’t belong to me. RICH’S RIDE isn’t about Rich, and it isn’t about a ride.

RICH’S RIDE is a God-inspired dream entrusted to me. My job is to be a good steward, to share it and trust God to use my sharing.

That’s why I write this blog and speak to groups. It’s why the book will be released in a month or so. I hope you’ll become part of the circle. I hope you’ll spread the word.

But the mission isn’t about speaking–or writing or publishing. It’s about sharing, which is the only reason for having something in the first place.

Have you ever derailed yourself by mis-stating your mission?

Please leave a comment here.

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