
Happy Monday!

Since today’s Labor Day in the US, I’ll make the obvious choice for word-of-the-week…


I learn a lot from my dog. While we cranked along the Mississippi River last year he wrote a blog post called Play Or Work. He made the important point that it’s okay to be tired if you’re doing something important.

For a big part of my life I thought the best possible retirement would mean working as little as possible. If that’s true, then I’ve failed miserably at retirement.

As usual, Monte’s right on target. The idea’s not to work less. It’s to work as hard as possible at stuff that really matters.

You know what wears us out? It’s the days we fill with meetings that accomplish nothing, emails that go around in circles, mindless Facebook and Twitter chatter that does nothing to enhance connections or give anything of value to others.

When we do meaningful stuff, stuff that changes the world, that helps someone else, it’s amazing how good that kind of tired feels. At the end of a day like that, your head hits the pillow with Clear Eyes And A Full Heart.

I wish you many of those kinds of days.

Have a great week.

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